Ottawa, ON
The Bank of Canada, 234 Laurier Ave. W.,Ottawa, ON, CanadaK1A 0G9
Last edited: 2015-01-05
Publication status: Active
Place of Birth: Oshawa, Ontario
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: ValerieChildren: Jessica, Nicholas
Queen's Univ. B.A.(Hons. Econ.) 1978
Univ. of Western Ont. M.A.(Econ.) 1979, Ph.D.(Econ.) 1982
Other Training, Studies, and Accreditation
Occupation: Economist
Field of Endeavor: Finance
Current Position(s):
Biography Notes:
joined Bank of Canada 1981; held num. increasingly sr. positions for 14 years
Chief, Research Depart. 1992–95
Mgng. Editor, The International Bank Credit Analyst, BCA Research 1995–99
Vice-Pres. and Chief Economist, Export Development Canada (EDC) 1999–2004
Sr. Vice-Pres. Corp. Affairs and Chief Economist 2004–08 resp. for Corporate Planning, Communications, Govt. and Internat. Relations, Engineering, Corp. Social Responsibility, and Corp. Rsch.
Sr. Vice-Pres., Financing 2008–10 with resp. for all EDC lending programs, Economics and Corp. and Internat. Trade Intelligence groups
Pres. and C.E.O. 2011–13
former Visiting Scholar, Internat. Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.; Economic Planning Agency, Tokyo, Japan
Instr., Univ. of Western Ont., Concordia Univ., Queen's Sch. of Bus.
Past Pres., Ottawa Economics Assn.
Ottawa, ON
The Bank of Canada, 234 Laurier Ave. W.,Ottawa, ON, CanadaK1A 0G9
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Previous | Back to first tabPOLOZ, Stephen S., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; economist; b. Oshawa, Ont.; m. Valerie; children: Jessica, Nicholas; e. Queen's Univ. B.A.(Hons., Econ.) 1978; Univ. of Western Ont. M.A.(Econ.) 1979, Ph.D.(Econ.) 1982; Columbia Univ. Sr. Exec. Prog.; Cert. Internat. Trade Professional; GOVERNOR AND CHAIR, BD. OF DIRS., BANK OF CANADA 2013– ; 30 years of public and private sector experience in finan. markets, forecasting and economic policy; joined Bank of Canada 1981; held num. increasingly sr. positions for 14 years incl. Chief, Research Depart.1992–95; Mgng. Editor, The International Bank Credit Analyst, BCA Research 1995–99; Vice-Pres. and Chief Economist, Export Development Canada (EDC) 1999–2004; Sr. Vice-Pres. Corp. Affairs and Chief Economist 2004–08 resp. for Corporate Planning, Communications, Govt. and Internat. Relations, Engrg., Corp. Social Responsibility, and Corp. Rsch.; Sr. Vice-Pres., Financing 2008–10 with resp. for all EDC lending programs, Economics and Corp. and Internat. Trade Intelligence groups; Pres. and C.E.O. 2011–13; former Visiting Scholar, Internat. Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.; Economic Planning Agency, Tokyo, Japan; Instr., Univ. of Western Ont., Concordia Univ., Queen's Sch. of Bus.; Past Pres., Ottawa Economics Assn.; Home: Ottawa ON; Office: 234 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa ON K1A 0G9.