Personal History
Born: November 23rd, 1962
Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Married Wendy YipChildren: Juliana, Sarah
Univ. of Chicago B.A. 1984
McGill Univ. Ph.D. 1991
studied at Peabody Conserv. of Music
Occupation: University Administrator, Concert Cellist
Field of Endeavor:
Academic, Education
Current Position(s):
Biography Notes:
Prof., Sch. of Medicine and Sr. Vice-Provost, Undergrad. Education and Academic Affairs, Emory Univ. 2006–10
var. positions at Univ. of Cincinnati 2010–17 incl.: Prof., Pediatrics; Sr. Vice-Pres., Academic Affairs; Provost; Univ. Pres.
Prof., Cincinnati Children's Hospital 2010–17
var. teaching, rsch. and admin. positions at Johns Hopkins Sch. of Medicine, Harvard Medical Sch. and Schepens Eye Rsch. Inst., Univ. Coll. London and Moorfields Eye Hospital
Canadian Who's Who Biography
ONO, Santa J., B.A., Ph.D.; university administrator, concert cellist; b. Vancouver, B.C. 23 Nov. 1962; m. Wendy Yip; daughters: Juliana, Sarah; e. Univ. of Chicago B.A. 1984; McGill Univ. Ph.D. 1991; studied at Peabody Conserv. of Music; PRES. AND VICE-CHANCELLOR, UNIV. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2016– ; Prof., Sch. of Medicine and Sr. Vice-Provost, Undergrad. Education and Academic Affairs, Emory Univ. 2006–10; var. positions at Univ. of Cincinnati 2010–17 incl.: Prof., Pediatrics; Sr. Vice-Pres., Academic Affairs; Provost; Univ. Pres.; Prof., Cincinnati Children's Hospital 2010–17; var. teaching, rsch. and admin. positions at Johns Hopkins Sch. of Medicine, Harvard Medical Sch. and Schepens Eye Rsch. Inst., Univ. Coll. London and Moorfields Eye Hospital; Chief Innovation Officer, Province of B.C.; honours: Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advacement of Sci. 2012; Consul of Japan in Ohio 2013–16; Inductee, Nat. Academy of Inventors 2014; Inductee, Johns Hopkins Univ. Soc. of Scholars 2015; named America's Most Notable Coll. Pres., Inside Higher Ed. 2015; Office: 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2.